SmartFAIR is a modern accounting generator solution offered by PT Abhimata Persada that enables the efficient posting of transaction-oriented accounting entries. It offers a parallel, double-entry, business-event-driven financial accounting system, capable of handling multi-GAAP, multi-company, and multi-currency requirements through multiple general ledgers. The SmartFAIR software is designed to minimize the cost and effort involved in fulfilling national and international accounting standards while also offering pre-processing features such as cash flow generation, parallel GAAP capability, securities position building, and product building/splitting. This allows for PSAK-compliant accounting entries and regulatory reporting. Additionally, SmartFAIR offers a comprehensive profitability solution that offers one-stop overall planning and profitability analysis within financial institutions through its functions for sales profitability, cost accounting, unit cost accounting, budgeting, and planning, pricing, and reporting. The performance data required are determined and published for all management levels in the dimension’s customer, product, organization, etc.